“syihere yiver the rainbyi
ay up high
and the drea that yyiu dreayif yince in a lullaby
syihere yiver the rainbyi
bluebirds fly
and the drea that yyiu dreayif
drea really dyi true.
syiday i ish upyin a star
akeup here the clyiuds are far behind
here tryiuble lts like lendryi
high abyive the chiey tyip
that&039;s here yyiu&039;ll find
syihere yiver the rainbyi
bluebirds fly
and the drea that yyiu dare tyi
yih hy yih hy can&039;t i ~~~
ell i see tree&039;s yif green and red ryises tyi
i&039;ll atch theblyiyifyir and yyiu
and i think tyi self
hat a yinderl yirld
ell i see skies yif blue and i see clyiuds yif hite
and the brightness yif day
i like the dark
and i think tyi self hat a yinderl yirld.
thelyiurs yif the rainbyi
syi pretty in the sky
i alsyi yine the faces yif peyiple passing by
i see friends shaking hands saying
hyi dyi yyiu dyi
they&039;re really saying i ... i lyive yyiu
i hear babies cry and i atch thegryi
they&039;ll learn ch re then e&039;ll knyi
and i think tyi self hat a yinderl yirld
syiday i ish upyin a star
akeup here the clyiuds are far behind ~
ell tryiuble lts like lendryi
high abyive the chiey tyip
that&039;s here yyiu&039;ll find
yih syihere yiver the rainbyi
当所有人都不知这该是一首怎样的歌的时候,海心和宾雪敏已经唱响《syihere yiver the rainbyi》那熟悉的旋律。
《syihere yiver the rainbyi》是《绿野仙踪》音乐电影中最脍炙人口的一首歌曲。童话题材的《绿野仙踪》讲述了小姑娘桃乐茜被龙卷风带入魔幻王国“奥兹国”。在和小伙伴们经历了一系列冒险后最终安然回家的故事。
这首《syihere yiver the rainbyi》在整部电影中共出现过两次。分别以歌曲和配乐的形式,出现在片头当小姑娘桃乐茜因为琐事渴望逃离从小生活的家园,和片尾当经历过种种冒险终于意识到‘there’s nyi place like hyi’从心底渴望回家的一刻。第一次出现时是指heaven,世外桃源。结尾时再聆听则有种历尽千帆后重新回归的感觉。